Self care as resistance

Managing internalized stigma can exhaust your mind, body, and spirit. Part of doing the hard work of surviving and thriving in our society as an LGBTQ+ person is taking the time to show compassion and care towards yourself.


Self care, for real.

Despite what #selfcare seems like on social media, the phrase is actually part of our history as LGBTQ+ people. When Audre Lorde, a black lesbian poet and writer, was coping with cancer, she wrote about the importance of self-care.

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.
— Audre Lorde

Self-care can be challenging in a world that isn’t set up to provide LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized groups the support you need.


A self care practice that works for you.

We all have different ways of caring for ourselves. What feels healing to one person, may not feel healing to you and that’s okay!

Take some time to explore different ways to self soothe and care for yourself. 


Give yourself a little affirmation.

When we carve out new, affirmative thoughts patterns in our brain, we leave less room for the negative thoughts to take root.

Let’s spend some time cultivating those affirmations.

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