About imi

imi was created through a collaboration of LGBTQ+ organizations, and hundreds of LGBTQ+ young people from across the country – it’s a tool for LGBTQ+ teens, by LGBTQ+ teens and their allies.

Why this matters

Tools like imi are needed now, more than ever. imi helps address elements contributing to the growing mental health crisis affecting LGBTQ+ youth by providing them with free, accessible, and research-backed support, built in a safe digital space. 

We believe in creating resources that uplift, support, and affirm young people who are exploring their LGBTQ+ identity. And we are guided by research that supports this. 

“LGBTQ youth are not inherently prone to suicide risk because of their sexual orientation or gender identity but rather placed at higher risk because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized in society.” – The Trevor Project

Who created imi

LGBTQ+ youth from across the country

Since launching in early 2020, imi has been designed with input and contributions from hundreds of LGBTQ+ teens (and counting) focusing on representation from BIPoC, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming youth.

imi is full of stories and contributions from these teens; creating this would have not been possible without these incredible, powerful young queer people sharing their stories, voices, art, and vulnerability.

LGBTQ+ non-profits and LGBT Centers

CenterLink, Hopelab, and It Gets Better share the vision for a world where all young LGBTQ+ people feel safe and supported.

These three organizations have collaborated with LGBT Centers and youth serving organizations to design and develop imi. Other organizations involved have included:

Researchers, scientists, & mental health professionals

imi is rooted in science and research, helping to make sure that it's safe, supportive, and impactful for LGBTQ+ teens. All of the content has been created, vetted, and tested by scientists, therapists and other professionals to ensure what we're putting into the world will be just that: safe, supportive, and impactful.

& many others

This work, supporting LGBTQ+ teens, wouldn't be possible without the inputs of others who share our love and support for queerness.

To the many youth, researchers, scientists, copyeditors, content creators, illustrators, developers, designers, and creative minds who have been involved – thank you!

Are you interested in contributing to imi, or helping spread the word? Email us at hello@imi.guide or drop us a DM at @imiguide on Instagram ✨


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